Ready, Set, Garden

Posted by Andrea Howell on

Have you ever found yourself with too many garden accessories? And exactly how many are too many? 

 I love to visit garden nurseries when I travel or have free time on the weekends and often bring something home I can’t live without. From planters, statues, bird baths to bird houses, so many great treasures. Add in a few garden gifts from friends and family and all of the sudden my garden can feel very full…of accessories! 

 Here are some tips to get organized:

1. Clean out anything that has cracks, rust, or faded color.  Maybe look for a community garden to donate older pieces to.
2. Pick your favorite garden feature and work around that first
3. Group finishes together.  For example, place concrete pieces with iron or copper, and glazed pottery with mosaics and painted wood.
4. Create a different look in different areas.  For example, you may keep calmer tones and colors in the front and brighten up in the back yard. Or reverse it, whatever fits your personality!
5. Consider adding night lighting to accent your garden accessories at night.


Now you are ready for any sweet Mother’s Day gifts you may receive or any perfect finds you may treat yourself to!

Happy Gardening,


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