Why are my (fill in the blank) NOT blooming???
The most common reason you missed your favorite shrub’s blooms this year is poorly timed pruning. While it isn’t true 100% of the time, following the MAY RULE may help you stay on track with pruning.
MAY RULE.......
“If a plant blooms BEFORE May 1st, prune immediately after flowering has ended. If a plant blooms AFTER MAY 1ST, prune during dormancy or wintertime."
Here are a few examples....
Blooms before May
- Azalea
- Spirea
- Forsythia
- Camellia
- Flowering Quince
- English Dogwood
- Japanese Magnolia
- Tea Olive
- Winter Daphne
- and Many More...
Blooms after May
- Hydrangea (except Oakleaf)
- Crape Myrtle (but do NOT Crape "Murder" them!)
- Vitex
- Rose
- Grape
- Confederate Rose
- Pyracantha
- Liriope
- and Many More...
Pruning Tips
- Always make sure your tools are sharp and clean
- Choose the right tool for the job
- Do not prune in Fall--it risks freeze injury
- Do not shear only. Make cuts inside the canopy to promote leaf growth on the inside of the plant--also hides ugly, cut stems
- Consider the natural shape and size of the plant. Work with it or consider removing the plant and choosing one that is better suited
- Consult with a landscape professional or extension agent before starting for advice
- Take your time & remember the May Rule!
Good Luck and Enjoy your Colorful Garden!!!